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The 6-Figure YouTube Academy - Side Hustle Mastery


Jul 24, 2021
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The 6-Figure YouTube Academy - Side Hustle Mastery | 1.66 GB
The best way to learn, is to teach.
You are a unique, intelligent, and driven person with a story to share. You want to build influence, make great money, and do this all from anywhere in the world. The problem is, it’s not easy. In fact, it’s a complicated process with a lot of moving parts. There are thousands of ways to fail at YouTube, but there are a few ways to really succeed at it. I am here to be your guide and give you the formula I’ve found most successful in achieving success on YouTube.

Investing in this course not only gives you the plan to become a successful YouTuber, it also will result in you taking action. I push my students with actionable steps in each module, worksheets to complete, and accountability in our private Facebook community. The reason why a lot of people stop posting consistent content on YouTube is because of lack of accountability. But let me tell you, that won’t happen on my watch!

The 6-Figure YouTube Academy – Who is this course for?
This course is ultimately for those who are determined to:
Create a new source of income online
Leverage YouTube’s growing platform correctly for long-term success
Build passive income through Adsense, affiliate marketing, and brand deals
Amass a loyal audience and personal brand
Change people’s lives through quality content


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